The arrival of the 5G network in telecommunications represents a revolution in the way the world connects through mobile devices. This will allow a faster expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and lead to accelerated development of new technologies. However, along with the appearance of 5G, there are also concerns about cybersecurity in this new protocol.

Cybersecurity experts affirm that this type of technology fosters the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), connecting smart devices such as cell phones, watches, traffic lights, health-related devices and transportation, leading to the implementation of cybersecurity controls to protect them of any kind of risks.

Some of these concerns would be:

▸Decentralized security

Pre-5G networks had fewer hardware traffic touch points, making security checks and maintenance easier. Dynamic 5G software-based systems have many more traffic routing points. To be completely safe, all of these need supervision. Since this could be difficult, any unsecured area could compromise other parts of the network.

▸Greater bandwidth

While today’s networks are limited in speed and capacity, this has helped vendors monitor security in real time. Therefore, the benefits of an expanded 5G network could harm cybersecurity. The added speed and volume will challenge security teams to create new methods to stop threats.

▸Security gaps in IoT devices

Not all manufacturers prioritize cybersecurity, as seen in many low-end smart devices. 5G means more utility and potential for the IoT. As more devices are encouraged to connect, the billions of devices with various levels of security mean billions of potential security breach points which is concerning.

Although we well see that this technology will have many quite good characteristics, they still pose a risk and being prepared for this would be the best since, as we well know, as technology advances, cybercriminals are not left behind and will always seek to violate these technologies.

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