Python is increasingly becoming one of the most popular programming languages ​​among developers. Python’s relatively low number of security issues and ease of use give it an edge over other languages, with 41.7% of developers citing Python as their favorite development technology for all its features.

But then if it is so famous and popular, well… like all softwares, problems, errors and vulnerabilities can arise and we will see which ones it faces.

One of its characteristics is that Python is very flexible when it comes to imports. However, this flexibility comes at a cost in terms of security. When using a relative import in Python, a malicious module found in the system path can be smuggled into your code base. This is dangerous because import statements can execute code in the malicious module, thus creating a security hole.

Another problem, and it should be noted that an important part of developers introduce vulnerabilities in their Python applications through the use of unpatched dependencies. Python’s deprecated dependencies generally open loopholes, most of which are fixed in later versions. For this reason, it is vital to keep your dependencies up to date. Otherwise your code will remain insecure.

Now … Python usually suffers from injection attacks which are possibly the most common vulnerabilities in any development environment. In Python, these attacks can take different forms, including: Module Injection, SQL Injection, and Command injection.

Software security should always be at the forefront of every Python development project. Although this publication is intended to increase awareness about security vulnerabilities, of course if we want to use this software we must be aware of these problems and be able to prepare for them.

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