Are you worried that your child will be a victim of Cyberbullying? that is, intentional and repeated damage perpetrated through computers, mobile phones, and other electronic devices. According to many sources, Cyberbullying is one of the risks for children attracted by technologies and in fact it is estimated that 12% of boys and girls between 9 and 16 years old were or have been victims of cyberbullying, that is why it is so important to be protected when browsing the web and social networks and we will give you some tips against cyberbulling.

Cyberbullying can include other behaviors that are intended to intimidate victims or make their lives unbearable. For example, cyberbullies could attack their victims on social media, by tracking and sending threatening messages, or they could hack into emails, to communicate with the victim’s contacts, such as friends and even employers.

It is seen that 85% of the population is already a digital user, according to research carried out in 2018 and prevention is key to protect you and your family.

Tips to prevent cyberbullying

▸Set up your accounts so that only your friends can see your posts

This is one of the most important of the recommendations since it is the most effective way of knowing to whom your information is being transmitted and not to any unknown person.

▸Do not allow social networks to publish your address or phone number

Having a unique email address for social networks could be a good alternative so that they do not publish your most important information.

▸Use passwords with a high level of security

The called high security passwords should include numbers or punctuation marks, interleave lowercase and uppercase letters and it is best to renew them regularly.

▸Take advantage of the lockout feature

It is a constant in the different social networks and allows to prohibit access to those users who send inappropriate or strange messages to prevent unwanted situations.

▸Make sure you have a good antivirus and firewall

Security also goes through computer tools or software. Up to date antivirus and firewall protect against exposure of personal data.

▸Disable geolocation settings

This is very important since your location will not be shared in which you are.

▸Save everything that is considered possible evidence of cyberbullying

Be it an email, a chat conversation or even an online publication. They could be helpful if you decide to report the harasser.

See also:
Risks posed by Cyberbullying to its victims
Protect your family from Cyber Predators

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