iOS is the operating system of your iPhone or iPad, of which Apple has strict control and security. Among other security measures, Apple uses sandboxing to isolate processes and apps, preventing system failures, errors and apps from carrying out unauthorized actions. iOS also has an App Store as the only way to install apps on your devices, a store that is under the direct supervision of Apple: each app is reviewed before being approved. That being said, your iPhone or iPad is not 100% virus threat free. No operating system is completely secure.

Another reason iOS is relatively secure compared to Android is that cybercriminals and other attackers will seek the path of least resistance first. What happens is that many of the vulnerabilities discovered in Android are not patched on all devices. Google can act quickly, but updates only reach some phones when the manufacturer and carrier decide. Apple does not have this problem, so patches can be removed much more quickly.

How to avoid risks in our iPhone devices

But then how can your device get infected? better we will see some recommendations that we can give you to avoid doing them.

Avoid jailbreaking your device. The jailbreak is increasingly difficult to perform, but it allows you to install apps not allowed by Apple in the App Store or download apps without paying for them. But by jailbreaking, you also open the door to other security risks that iOS normally protects you from.

This usually happens frequently, posing as Apple or another provider you trust. NEVER send your passwords online or to someone who asks for them over the phone.

Always avoid opening suspicious links, whether you receive them by email, SMS, iMessage or otherwise. Messages written with misspellings, in foreign languages ​​or with strange expressions should raise the alarm.

Avoid WiFi networks not protected by a password. You would be exposing all your network traffic to whoever is watching it.

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