In Incognito mode, your browsing history, cookies, site data or the information you have entered in the forms will not be saved on the device. This means that your activity will not appear in the history of the Chrome browser, so people who also use the device will not see that activity. Websites see you as a new user and don’t know who you are as long as you don’t log into your account.

What is the use of Incognito Mode and what does it do?

If you browse in Incognito mode, your activity data will not be saved on your device or in a Google Account that you have not signed in to.

You can use Incognito mode to buy a gifts for a friend, family, Girl, Boy, etc. with whom you share the device online. If you don’t sign in to your Google Account, the purchase won’t appear in Chrome’s browsing activity and it won’t be saved to that account.

Every time you close all the incognito windows, Chrome discards the cookies and site data associated with that browsing session.

When you browse in incognito mode, Chrome doesn’t report it to websites, including Google.

In fact, there are certain occasions when the use of this incognito or private mode is more than recommended. Say that windows opened in this way do not store browsing history or delete it automatically when the window is closed. Likewise, they do not save cookies or data from the webs, as well as the own data that we enter in forms or register with credentials.

This is something that is especially necessary in the case that we use a computer in a public place. This prevents those who sit in front of it in the future, not having access to anything we have done on the PC. The same happens in the case that, for example, our children at home are going to use the same computer, since there will be their own pages or data that we do not want them to see. On the other hand, this is something that is extended in the event that, on the office computer, we are going to perform some personal task. By this we mean access to our bank, using social networks, etc.

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