Although this name is also used to refer to a type of malware, originally the RAT (Remote Administration Tool) was created with a good purpose: to help remotely manage configurations and solve computer problems instantly and efficiently. But like any other digital application, it can also be used to do evil. The dark side of the RAT is known by the name of Remote Access Trojan: a computer Trojan that sneaks through the back door of your computer. In the hands of cybercriminals, it can become a very harmful weapon.

If you’ve ever had to call tech support for a PC, then you’re probably familiar with the magic of remote access. When remote access is enabled, authorized computers and servers can control everything that happens on your PC. They can open documents, download software, and even move the cursor around the screen in real time.

RAT is a type of malware very similar to legitimate remote access programs. The main difference, of course, is that RAT is installed on a computer without the knowledge of the user. Most legitimate remote access programs are made for technical support and file sharing purposes, while RAT is created to spy on, hijack, or destroy computers.

Like most malicious programs, RATs combine with legitimate-looking files. Hackers can attach a RAT to a document in an email, or within a large software package, such as a video game. Malicious web pages and ads can also contain RATs, but most browsers prevent automatic website downloads or notify you when a site is not secure.

Most computer viruses are made for a singular purpose. Keyloggers automatically log everything you type, ransomware restricts access to your computer or its files until you pay a fee, and adware dumps dubious advertisements on your computer for profit. But RATs are special. They provide hackers with complete and anonymous control over infected computers. As you can imagine, a hacker can do just about anything with a RAT, as long as his target doesn’t smell a RAT.

That is why this threat is very dangerous, they can steal all the information that is on your computer, they can know what you are doing, what you type on your keyboard and that implies: passwords, emails, talks, etc. Without a doubt, a threat for which you have to be very careful.

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