Most of us have heard the term information security, cybersecurity, cyberattacks, risks, etc. frequently in the last decade. All these terms are directed to a single purpose, that of protecting mainly three properties of our information such as our Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. We have already seen other tips that apply to those people interested in protecting themselves against these dangers for their companies and now we will see some to do in our everyday life.

Tips for our cybersecurity in everyday life

▸Protect your network devices (Wi-Fi)

They must be configured correctly and it is suggested to change the default administrator password to a difficult one to guess, which preferably includes uppercase, lowercase, symbols and numbers.

▸Be very careful what you open in your mail!!!

Do not click on links or links in emails from unsafe recipients, for example, if you receive an email from CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) inviting you to pay your bill, do not click on the link and better go directly to the official page or pay through the applications, “cfemáticos” or authorized stores.

▸Stay tuned for chats and conferencing services

Take into account the following points when entering a virtual room: Who can access or join the meeting / call?, Can it be recorded?, Are chats preserved and shared?

This must be taken into account especially with what we are all going through with confinement.

▸The Antivirus

Whether you have the most powerful on the market or a free one, always have an antivirus on your computer. Even if you only have the basic plan, cheaper or free, it will always be better than nothing. It will warn you with its database of malicious content and websites suspected of containing some type of malware.

▸Monitor suspicious activity on your accounts

Pay particular attention to access requests or notifications from websites and applications that ask to re-enter your credentials. If you didn’t request access, don’t expose your passwords.

▸Your mobile is also a computer

Many times we overlook the importance of mobile in our lives. We communicate for him, we inform ourselves for him, and we even pay with this device. However, many times we think that, since a mobile phone is just that, we do not think that a virus is going to enter us there. For this reason, it never hurts to be extremely cautious when we are using this device to surf the Internet or carry out any online management.

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