SEO poisoning is a common practice among websites, considered a blackhat technique or penalized technique by search engines. These techniques are usually carried out by hackers, focusing on the most popular sites in order to obtain the largest number of victims possible. The most used poisoning attack is the IFrame attack, so that they exploit the entry and display of sites with good SEO positioning in order to redirect to malicious sites.

What can happen and how SEO Poisoning is transmitted

Search engine optimization poisoning is a term used to describe two types of activities:

▸Illegitimate techniques used to achieve high ranking in search engines, usually (but not only) to attack visitors

▸Exploit vulnerabilities in existing high ranking web pages and use them to spread malware

Malicious SEO poisoning is all about reaching many people quickly and easily. These attacks often follow trending search terms. For example, there were SEO poisoning attacks during natural disasters, when attackers tried to get victims to send monetary aid to fake accounts. There were also attacks of this kind during major political campaigns and other major world events.

To protect against these attacks, it is advisable to use URL filtering and content inspection and filtering to prevent the malicious attack from reaching the user. In addition, companies that have a server and host their own sites must have all the security tools activated.

Users must be very careful, since as we said before, these attacks are usually directed as news where the stories with the highest popularity index are attacked in view of such as political issues, sporting events, etc.

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