The Java Language was developed in its beginnings by James Gosling, in 1991. Initially Java was known as Oak or Green. The first version of the Java language was published by Sun Microsystems in 1995. And it was in the version of the JDK 1.0.2 language, when it was renamed Java, it was in 1996.

It is a programming language and a computing platform was born with the aim of being a programming language with a simple structure that could be executed in various operating systems. Regarding its name, initially it was going to be called Oak but as this brand was already registered, it ended up opting for Java.

Something that you may not know is that at the beginning of the release of this language, basically the first versions, were mainly administered by the community.

It is used to create applications and processes on a wide variety of devices. It is based on goal-oriented programming, allows you to run the same program on various operating systems and safely execute the code on remote systems. Its scope of application is so wide that is used in both mobile phones and household appliances. Many programmers also use this language to create small applications that are embedded in the HTML code of a page so that it can be launched from a browser.

Something that many get confused is about Java and JavaScript since they are not the same and each has its function.

How Java and JavaScript are different

Java and JavaScript sometimes get confused. But in reality both are totally different. The main difference is that JavaScript is an object-based programming language, while Java is an object-oriented language. JavaVariables have a specific type that cannot be changed, while in JavaScript the same variable can be modified, allowing great flexibility. As we have seen, each one has its own specific objective and they do not apply the same function.

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