The terms hackers and crackers have different meanings, since, while the first refers to the person capable of breaking into other people’s computer systems, the second refers to whoever does it for illegal purposes. The difference between hacker and cracker is that we can classify it as a third person who tries to violate the security systems created or discovered by hackers to commit illegal acts.

Although both parties are people who have advanced notions about computing, their ideas are completely different. It is known by all that hackers have an ethical code that crackers do not have, that they use any situation and means to achieve their objective.

The topic of hackers is very confusing because in some cases they do not carry out illegal activities. By knowing this, we can asume that hackers are mostly good, being those people in charge of programming and test the software security holes, with the aim that third parties are not able to attack your system (or at least this applies to White Hat Hackers, as the concept can differ when we refer to other types of hackers, like those of Gray or Black Hat).

Main differences between Hackers and Crackers

To know a little more about the work of both parties, apart from knowing them in depth, we see how they differ mainly:


It uses programs that have been designed to understand the vulnerabilities of computer defense software, so it knows its weak points and studies the best way to access them.

As a general rule, the cracker, having no skills to create programs, uses those that have been designed by other people for their own benefit.

The cracker’s job is to destroy.

He does not have programming knowledge, such as C or C ++. For this reason and because they do not use their own software, they do not know how it is built and they create more damage than they need.


It is able to manufacture its own programming code to fix bugs and prevent the entry of crackers.

They understand perfectly what they do at all times.

His job is to build.

He is a determined person, who has advanced studies and uses his knowledge to improve the computer security of a system or its communication network.

They love their profession and are continually acquiring new knowledge that allows them to ensure the safety of their company.

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