INET Framework is an open source model library for the OMNeT ++ simulation environment, which provides protocols, agents and other models for researchers and students who work with communication networks, being especially useful when designing and validating new protocols or exploring new or exotic scenarios.

This tool contains:

▸Internet stack such as: TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, OSPF, BGP, etc.

▸Wired and wireless link layer protocols such as: Ethernet, PPP, IEEE 802.11, etc.

▸Support for mobility



▸MPLS protocols with LDP and RSVP-TE signaling

INET is based on the concept of modules that communicate by passing messages. Network agents and protocols are represented by components, which can be freely combined to form hosts, routers, switches, and other network devices. The user can program new components and existing components have been written to be easy to understand and modify, plus INET benefits from the infrastructure provided by OMNeT ++.

Beyond making use of the services provided by the kernel and the OMNeT ++ simulation library (component model, parameterization, results recording, etc.), this also means that the models can be developed, assembled, parameterized, executed and its results evaluated from the comfort of the OMNeT ++ simulation IDE, or from the command line, another thing is that INET Framework is maintained by the OMNeT ++ team for the community, using patches and new models contributed by members of the community.

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