Phishing is one of the most common threats on the Internet. As we know, the goal of hackers with this technique is to steal passwords and credentials. They can use different strategies and methods to achieve this and unfortunately these days these phishing attacks disguised as Netflix and Amazon return.

Cybercriminals typically use popular services or platforms to try to steal information from users. Ultimately, if they use something that is widely used, they will have more chances of success. For this they usually use well-known banks, streaming video or music platforms, social networks, email providers that have many users. Now, once again, It is Netflix and Amazon that are used as a cover for these phishing attacks.

These Internet services are known to all. They are present in the daily lives of many users and therefore many hypothetical victims will have accounts. A group of security researchers has discovered the attackers dubbed TA2552.

Who do these phishing attacks target?

This target is Microsoft Office 365 users. They send messages to steal credentials and passwords and use Netflix and Amazon baits. Although these attacks appear to have an international presence, most are directed at users who speak Spanish. This campaign asks for access to third-party Microsoft Office applications. They can get access to contacts, profile, mail. In case the user denies this, they will be redirected to a page controlled by the attackers. They mainly pose as Netflix or Amazon.

The best and always recommended is to avoid all these types of emails that reach you through these platforms and only communicate through the main pages of these companies.

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