Although printers are not the typical access route for cybercriminals to corporate networks, many security experts consider them a weak point. This is the case of the viaForensics firm, which has detected failures that would allow exploiting HP printers. Printers have become a concern for many security experts, who view them as an overlooked vulnerability in corporate network defenses.

Printer security flaws are not new, as experts have been warning for years that devices pose a serious risk that is often overlooked. Since printer security is often ignored, these devices could have been the target of numerous stealth Cyberattacks.

We often forget the danger they pose, since they have the same access to the corporate network as other computer equipment. Network printers can make use of services such as email, fax, FTP, etc. putting our data and systems at risk if they are not properly configured and protected.

What risks do printers expose us to?

A multifunction printer can be a weak point in our network that will go unnoticed when planning for cybersecurity, and is often used by cybercriminals as a bridge or gateway to the rest of the network. Different attacks are carried out from one of these devices such as:

▸Theft of confidential data, redirecting the information sent to the printer to another location.

▸Theft of confidential data from “forgotten” documents in the printer.

▸Anonymous scanning and e-mailing of confidential documents.

▸They can also be used to DDoS attacks on other computers or networks.

▸It can serve as an entry point to access the company network and carry out an infection or intrusion.

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