As cyber attacks are on the rise, and in fact doubling around the world over the years, the need for much more secure operating systems has also grown. One option that IT executives might consider is Linux. Many people have computers that run Windows, and for that reason, it is the system most affected by malware-type attacks, although it is also true that attacks against MacOS have also increased that is why we see some tips that we can take to strengthen our Linux-security.

The Linux-Security, an open source operating system, has proven to be much more secure, largely due to a global community of users who are dedicated to reviewing code, and monitoring and eliminating its bugs and vulnerabilities.

Of course, this does not mean that Linux is totally immune to new types of threats. As it progressively advances in terms of market share, since Linux has been seen to grow on the world’s web servers, it has become a greater target for criminals. Malware variants have also started to specifically target Linux computers, apart from Windows and macOS.

How do we strengthen our Linux-security?

Given the recent security vulnerabilities and the rise in technology that are impacting Linux and how complex it becomes to keep up with updates, there is a patch management solution that gives companies control and peace of mind over their operating systems as well. of many other options that would be:

▸Install a reliable antivirus that provides good service.

▸Be on the lookout for patches that are released to fix vulnerability issues or any other bugs.

▸You can look for software that helps you strengthen the security of your computer.

▸Seek help in Linux operating system forums as the Linux community is very open and you can always find useful information.

Cyber ​​threats can weaken even the most secure operating system, and Linux is no exception. With that in mind, it is up to you to strengthen your system.

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