Hand tapping morse code on an antique telegraph machine

ReMorse is an esoteric programming language invented by Ryan Kusnery and it also has a similarity to Morse code. This also consists of four instructions. The hyphen (-) and hyphen (- followed by a space) instructions select the next and previous operation, respectively, from a circular list of seven operations. Dot (.) And dotty (. Followed by a space) perform the operation and the opposite of the operation being selected, respectively.

The ReMorse.- syntax is essentially binary, but uses the morse code “.” (period) and “-” (hyphen) as its digits. The dots and hyphens are paired, so the language has four instructions: “..”, “.-“, “-. ” Y ” – “. All characters that are not periods or hyphens are ignored, so blanks and comments (without periods or hyphens) can be embedded in code. (The original reMorse syntax described in the preview is a bit more complex than the descendants of reMorse in their parse rules.) Instructions are executed in sequence unless a jump occurs.

This language has 256 1-byte registers arranged in a circular list. Each record is initialized with index value 0 from its place in the list. Therefore, Register 0 is initialized with 00, Register 1 is initialized with 01, and so on. The “record pointer” keeps track of the “current record” and initially starts at Record 1.

Also ReMorse has an unlimited stack for 1-byte values. In practice, the stack looks more like a list, because the “stack pointer” is not necessarily at the top of the stack. The stack pointer points between values, so it may or may not have a value below or above it. A push or pop only affects the values ​​below the stack pointer. The “stack byte” (if there is one) is the stack byte just below the stack pointer.

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