Security Shield protection form lines, triangles and particle style design. Illustration vector

The high technological dependence of our society is a reality verifiable, being essential for the proper functioning of the States, their Security Forces and Bodies and their infrastructures. This dependence will continue to increase in the future and, as we well know, the risks will still increase. That is why cybersecurity is so important in the military environment as risks continue to grow.

At the same time, technological dependence, globalization and the ease of access to technologies mean that today the probability of suffering computer attacks or cyberattacks is very high, potentially allowing our adversaries to gain intelligence value of our capabilities and operations and destabilize our economy. Obviously, the greater the dependency, the greater the impact that could have an attack on the systems on which a country or an organization.

Cyber ​​attacks are no longer only intellectually or economically motivated, but also politically motivated, so the consequences they no longer only focus on an economic loss, but on conflicts between countries that demonstrate and measure their strength, in addition to dimensions of land, sea, air and space, through cyberspace.

The threat to information technologies has never been greater and not only that, but it is still increasing given the current situation, and users need and demand security like never before. Attacks can come not only from hackers computer scientists but of terrorists, criminal organizations and extremists politicians, fanatical religious movements, intelligence services and adversary military forces.

In fact, this was not always the case, at first, most of the so-called hackers had no other type of reasons more than the intellectual ones for the penetration in the networks. They sought popularity and notoriety for having bypassed the defensive measures of important systems. However, there was a radical change when cybercrime emerged, as the motivations shifted to have as main objective the economic benefit in an illegal way; today it has developed alarmingly this last year and thats why the improve of cybersecurity is so important.

See also:
What is cyberwar or technological warfare
Cyberterrorism – Why should we care about it?

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