Malware is just a bunch of bad news packaged as software. It is malicious code whose purpose is to harm the user, system or network. Although they are nothing new, what is worrisome is their continuous evolution towards new and more stealthy forms of threats. There are many types of malware on the internet and it is because of this that we must know how they work to know how to defend ourselves against them since it requires a solid knowledge about what malware is, how it spreads, and about all the different types of them lurking.

Malware can simply be defined as malicious code. It is a software that has been developed with malicious intent, or whose effect is malicious. They are programs that can interrupt or paralyze the functioning of the system, allowing the attacker to access sensitive and confidential information, as well as giving them the ability to spy on personal and private computers.

There are many ways of contracting these viruses, such as: Drive-by download: That it is about involuntary downloads of computer programs, Homogeneity: A configuration in which all systems run the same operating system, Vulnerability: It is a security flaw in software that can be attacked by malware and of course Backdoor: An opening or breach created by design in the software.

Types of Malware Attacks

▸Zero-day: Zero-day vulnerabilities are undisclosed flaws that hackers can exploit. They are called zero-day since they are not publicly known or announced until the attacks begin.

▸Exploit: A concrete threat through the exploitation of an existing vulnerability. It also refers to software developed to exploit design loopholes in a specific device.

▸Endpoint: It is a security approach for the protection of computer networks through the remote link of connected devices. Devices that do not comply with the protocol can be restricted to only limited access.

▸Privilege escalation: It is a situation in which the attacker gains privileged access to restricted data that is at a higher level of security.

▸Zombie: Refers to a computer connected to the internet that has been compromised by a hacker, computer virus, or Trojan horse. This can be used to perform harmful tasks on other systems.

▸Evasion: These are the techniques used by malware manufacturers to avoid the detection and analysis of their malicious programs by software and security systems.

▸Botnet: It is a set of devices connected to the internet that run one or more bots. Botnets are used to carry out distributed denial of service attacks, send spam, and steal information.

▸Combined threat: It is a malware package that combines the characteristics of multiple types of malware such as Trojans, worms or viruses, and seeks to exploit more than one vulnerability in the system.

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