With the release of the latest build of Windows 10 to Insider members, Microsoft announced a new feature coming to the system soon: Storage Health Monitoring, the new feature that can already be tried by those who have a preview version of Windows 10 is designed to detect abnormalities in NVMe SSD.

NVMe technology is so far the most advanced in storage, but that does not mean that it is free of potential failures. With the new feature of Windows 10, the system will notify users with enough time to act, that they should back up their data to prevent loss due to hardware failure if you ever get these notifications you should take immediate action to avoid possible risks of failure and if you still have doubts you should go to Settings> System> Storage to search more thoroughly about this.

Considering the high cost of NVMe SSDs and that they are becoming the best storage option every time, many users have begun to adopt them, and although the manufacturer usually offers tools to verify their health, it is something that must be done in a way. manual, having Windows 10 do it for you all the time in the background is definitely more convenient.

Like Windows 10 you will receive this improvement, the other platforms that integrate this technology such as the xbox series are not left behind for all those people who love FPS with the Xbox Velocity Architecture and DirectX 12 Ultimate, it will be worth more than ever to install an SSD NVMe on your computer.

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