The period of isolation during the quarantine has forced us to rely on remote communication technology to keep in touch. Both classrooms and work meetings are being enabled by streaming audio and video platforms in real time. Of these platforms, Zoom is one of the most used. The issue of security in Zoom’s chat rooms has become a matter of first necessity, in the face of a significant increase in its use, there has also been an increase in hacker attacks that break into video calls to interrupt meetings or class sessions and share inappropriate content , frequently pornography. This type of attack is called Zoombombing.

These zoombombing seek to interrupt, sharing videos on other topics, yelling or insulting. It can be easy to interrupt Zoom video conferences because many times the URLs to access the meetings can be traced by doing a digital search or if someone mistakenly shares or leaves it published somewhere. There are some strategies that can be taken into account to minimize the chances of these types of outages happening. Here are some configuration suggestions that can be made:

▸Avoid using your personal ID to call the meeting, it is safer to use one ID per meeting

▸Activate the use of password to join the meeting

▸Enable the waiting room option

▸Mute participants when they join the meeting

Something that may interest us is that after zoombombing became a trend, Zoom himself announced new policies and functions aimed at improving the security of its chat rooms. These measures include encryption, new privacy controls, and updates that are part of a 90-day plan to improve the platform’s privacy and security. In the same way, a statement was issued with recommendations addressed to users, to make use of the functions that help to keep their meetings safe since as times go it is a necessary means.

Other reads:
Videoconference Security, How can we improve it
Beware of Malware that can affect your WebCam
Zoom vulnerabilities – Serious problem for the platform

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