What uses can ArtistX give us and what it is?

ArtistX is based on Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10, with Kernel 2.6.27. It has almost all existing multimedia processing software packages including audio, 2D and 3D graphics, and video. There are approximately 2,500 multimedia software packages.

As it is a Live CD, it does not need to be installed and all the files that are generated with the programs that we run on it can be very easily saved on a USB device or on a CD or even a DVD.

It includes the Gnome 2.24 and KDE 4.2 graphical work environments. It also includes Compiz for 3D desktop effects.

ArtistX is an Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex prepared for artists: it comes by default with a lot of multimedia applications, both for graphic creation and for audio and video themes.

As explained on the official page, most of the existing programs for artists on the GNU / Linux platform are included as standard with ArstistX: photo retouching programs, 2D graphic editing, 3D editing, video editing programs, all players type, codecs to have no problem, audio and musical editing.

ArtistX can be downloaded on to DVD and then booted as a live session or installed directly to the hard drive following a similar process as the Ubuntu 8.10 installer itself.

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