DistroAstro what offer us?

DistroAstro is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and uses the MATE desktop environment, but for its developers these kinds of details take a back seat.

In fact, the most important thing about Distro Astro, what makes it stand out among the dozens of Ubuntu-based distributions that we can find, is that it comes pre-installed with all the applications that any astronomy lover may need.

Being mounted as a distribution and not as a meta-package, DistroAstro offers us the possibility of running it as a LiveDVD so we can test it without modifying our computer. Installing it in a virtual machine or in an independent partition is very simple and another important advantage is that all the astronomical software is already pre-installed and we do not have to go looking for it and installing it among all the repositories, something that is really comfortable.

We can also find more common and easy to use applications such as the Firefox browser or the LibreOffice office suite, after all these are also important tools when working in any field.

Being based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Distro Astro can also make use of its repositories, where we can find even more educational tools and applications aimed at astronomy and space.

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