Edubuntu It has been developed in collaboration with teachers and technologists from multiple countries. Edubuntu was built on top of Ubuntu and incorporates an LTSP client architecture, as well as specific educational uses, targeting the population between the ages of 6 and 18. Like Ubuntu, it has a ShipIt service to order free CDs.

It is an official derivation of the Ubuntu Linux distribution, intended for use in school environments. Its list of packages is more oriented towards this end, incorporating the Terminal server, and educational applications such as GCompris and the KDE Edutainment Suite.

Edubuntu is a movement that aims to get Ubuntu into schools, homes and communities and make it easier for users to install and maintain their systems, since they consider that learning and knowledge should be available to all who they want to improve the world around them.

The main function of this project is to provide the educator, with limited technical knowledge, skills to install a computer lab and then be able to manage it without the need for more specific knowledge. As well as achieving a centralized management in configuration, users and processes, together with a facility to be able to work collaboratively in class. It also aims to collect the best free software and for educational purposes.

Programs of Edubuntu

Among many other programs, Edubuntu includes all this software which children can use to learn while having fun and in complete safety:

Gcompris: Math, reading and other activities for children ages 4 to 10.

Ktouch: A typing program so that they learn to type correctly.

Kstars: To explore the stars and Kalzium for the periodic table.

TuxMat: A fun program to learn math.

Kverbs: A perfect program to practice verbs or play hangman.

And much more, perfect software for students to learn fractions, programming, spelling, fractals and everything they need.

You can virtualize the image with a suitable program or launch the installation by burning the ISO file to an optical disc or pendrive.

The download includes a compressed folder with the ISO image for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

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