Social networks are tools that promote contact between individuals from all parts of the world. However, it is more and more frequent that crimes are committed through these means, the stalker on the Internet or cyberbullying is a growing problem throughout the world. Stalking has always been a serious problem, but new technology means that many CyberStalkers have now turned to digital forms of harassment. Although the format may be different, the results are still equally distressing for the victims.

The goal of the CyberStalkers is to harass its victim and cause them distress and even harm. An online stalker could be a person known to the victim, or it could be a complete stranger, it could even be someone living in another country. Cyberbullying typically affects women the most. However, anyone can become a victim.

There are several types of illegal harassment and which are done a lot which are:

▸Harassment or Stalking

This crime occurs when there is constant harassment by a person who monitors, persecutes and contacts another, through electronic means, such as through social networks. Harassment towards another person is punished taking into account that stalking behavior seriously alters the development of the affected person’s daily life.


One of the criminal offenses that can be configured through social networks is sexting. Sexting consists of sending images or text messages with sexual content to other people through mobile phones. Although in itself this act is not illegal, when it involves minors or when the adult does not consent to this activity, it constitutes a criminal offense.

▸Injuries and Slander

In the case of these crimes, it will be necessary to determine whether the person who is making the accusations and demonstrations is doing so within the exercise of free expression or is exceeding his limits and therefore, violating the right to honor, privacy and self-image of the affected party.

Also check:
Stalkerware – Take care of your privacy!!
Dangerous Apps – For our children’s and minors
Tips to protect you against Cyberbullying

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