What is the BackUp?

A backup is nothing but a larger or smaller scale backup. It can be a recent version of the information contained in all the equipment of our company, or it can be full servers with huge amounts of data.

Thanks to the backups, we can have an action plan in case there is a problem with the company’s systems. Thus, in the event that we lose part or all of the information, a service or certain systems that allow us to operate, we can recover quickly. With this we reduce the response time to the incident, and we will have the ability to maneuver in any adverse circumstance.

Benefits provided by backups

The back up is a duplicate of our most important information, which we execute to protect the files, photos, videos, etc., of our computer or laptop, in case a problem occurs that makes it impossible for us to access the originals that we have in it.

All organizations or companies should have a competent backup. Currently 90% of companies have Back up software where backup copies are made, but 10% take care to extract this data properly and for a long time from the place. If there is a theft, fire or any other type of misfortune, both the information and said internal copies will disappear.

Not only companies, like us the users can save us from many problems of loss of information either due to any problem with our computers.

How to make an effective back?

▸Selection: Of the key material to back up irreplaceable information, of great economic value,

▸Storage: In a secure system according to the possibilities of the individual or the organization. If possible, you should do a local backup (your own) and an external backup (in another company or service) that is convenient.

▸Upgrade: From the backup taking into account the modified data of the information to be saved and the frequency with which it is modified, so that the backup is always as up-to-date as possible and the loss of information is minimized.

There are numerous programs, pages, companies and services online that offer data backup and recovery plans

Here we can help you if you looking for some of those services: https://truxgoupload.com/

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