Are Social Networks private?

In the electronic age, there is great concern about people’s right to privacy. However, Internet users or users are not aware that any activity they carry out in the electronic world or rather social network leaves traces that can be followed and that they can even be exploited by unwanted people or cybercriminals.

In this sense, it can be determined that the profiles created are bought and sold at a not inconsiderable price and, worst of all, it is an invasive activity of our privacy since, in many cases, it will not have been known at all. nor, much less, spoiled. The electronic mechanisms devised to, precisely, invade our privacy are really numerous, being able to cite, for example, cookies, spyware, web bugs and a long etcetera.

Social networks have become our photo albums, our bulletin boards, even our voice. We publish what happens to us during the day, we give our opinion on news, we participate in debates. And all this very often publicly.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and many other social networks function as a showcase for the lives of millions of people. However, although we love to share our experiences with our contacts, we must bear in mind that, if we do so without taking a series of precautions, all the information we publish may end up being accessible by other users of the social network, who if they They proposed could make an X-ray of our lives, and damage our digital identity. This is a tactic widely used by cybercriminals.

Today social networks are part of us. If we separate ourselves from them, we can even suffer anxiety, stress and emotional instability, something totally unthinkable 50 years ago. We share all our personal information, forgetting that, with it, our privacy and security take a backseat, something that really should not be done.

See also:
Vulnerabilities on Social Networks that affected users
Other social media alternatives besides Facebook

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