Social networks are platforms that are increasingly used by users and companies. We have at our disposal a wide range of possibilities. Some of them offer us the possibility of being in contact with friends and family. Others, on the other hand, may allow us to upload photos or videos to the network, as well as interact or give our opinion to other users, but something that we cannot ignore is security and privacy are very important aspects and that is why we will talk about the decentralized social networks.

Good options to use from decentralized social networks


It is a very interesting social network that offers a series of useful features that you can find in the main corporate social platforms of today. You could say that Minds is similar to Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.

This social network has one of the fastest growing adoption rates among alternative social platforms. It has over 2 million users and its code is owned and supported by the community. In other words, the code is publicly available for your review and contribution, and can be improved by everyone.


In this case we do not follow other members of the community, but rather it works through Artificial Intelligence. It uses a virtual currency that appreciates according to the comments of other users. The operation is different from other similar options. What we do is share photos, thoughts, news. All of this with the community, not just with a contact list.

It is worth mentioning that, like Minds, Sola allows its users to earn money by using the platform. It generates income from ads, user payments, and partnerships that it then shares with users.


It is a decentralized open source microblogging network. It is similar to Twitter, but the main difference in terms of privacy is that it is operated on servers running open source software. This platform allows you to post messages within a limit of 500 characters. Your messages are called toots and you can control who can see them.

Other interesting reads:
Are social networks really safe and private?
Other social media alternatives besides Facebook
Social networks are a risk gap, beware of them!!

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