According to the research team at WatchGuard, a provider of security solutions for corporate environments, the greatest growth in threats in corporate environments is in web-based social media applications. The media where vulnerabilities increase exponentially is due to factors such as that social networks generate a culture of trust, since it is understood that what a person exposes in them is “among friends” and you never know who is behind the screen and these social networks generate a constant risk to our security.

On the other hand, the high popularity of certain sites (such as Facebook or YouTube) turns these social networks into the attraction of hackers and cyber criminals, who are always looking to obtain a greater return on investment from their attacks and that is why we will see social networks that may pose a risk to our security.

Social networks that can put our security at risk


Is not surprising as it has more than 500 million users, as well as a questionable open API application, making it an easy terrain for cyberattacks.


The option to shorten URLs has been exploited by hackers to hide malicious links that circulate through the huge network of Twitter users. Likewise, vulnerabilities related to the API are known that have even allowed the spread of worms in this way.


This wall of images and comments has been the center of web attacks attributed to “anonymous”, which is the only username that all users of this network can obtain. Many hackers spread their malware through the 4chan forums.


As the most popular video site, YouTube has not been spared by the creativity of cybercriminals, who have created malicious web pages masquerading as video pages of this portal. Hackers also use the comment section to fill it with malicious links.


This network, which allows webcam users to connect and chat with random people. The nature of this anonymous webcam system makes it a potential target for Internet predators.

Related topics:
Are social networks really safe and private?
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Other social media alternatives besides Facebook

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