What is SUDO?

The “SUDO” command is used so that with your ordinary user, that is, with normal user privileges and permissions (non-administrator), you can execute certain commands restricted to other users, usually restricted to the “superuser” or system administrator , usually the “root” account, but without accessing the system with that account. This command in modern versions works to replace the permissions of any user, not just “root”

To make use of sudo, the superuser must first grant you that permission, adding your user account or username in the list of “sudoers”, generally configured in the file (or file) / etc / sudoers

In other words, sudo is a program that based on a control list (/ etc / sudoers) allows (or not) the execution of the user who invoked it on a certain program owned by another user, generally the system administrator ‘root’

How to use it?

Sudo is run by a normal user, who is supposed to have permissions to execute a certain command. So sudo requires users to authenticate themselves via their password to allow them to execute the command.


$ sudo / sbin / ifconfig
eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 4C: 00: 10: 60: 5F: 21
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80 :: 4e00: 10ff: fe60: 5f21 / 64 Scope: Link

By default, after doing the above, you will have 5 minutes to use the same command or others to which you are entitled, without having to enter the password again.

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