Yum on Linux

Yellow dog Updater, Modified Yum is a free package management tool for RPM-based Linux systems. It was developed by Seth Vidal and a group of volunteer programmers, and is currently maintained as part of the Linux DUKE project at Duke University.

Although yum is a command line utility, other tools provide yum with a graphical user interface, such as pup, pirut, and yumex. Since Seth Vidal works at Red Hat, programmers from that company have been involved in the development of yum.

Yum is a completely rewritten utility from its predecessor tool, Yellowdog Updater (YUP), and was developed primarily to update and control Red Hat systems used in the physics department at Duke University. Since then, it has been adopted by Fedora, CentOS, and other RPM-based GNU / Linux distributions, including Yellow Dog itself, where it replaced the original YUP utility.

Red Hat’s package manager, up2date, can also make use of yum’s software repositories when performing software updates. Red Hat Enterprise 5 replaced up2date with yum and pirut.

How use Yum?

Yum is run by root,These are some useful commands:

Install a package:

yum install package

Delete a package:

yum remove package

Update a package:

yum update package

Find a package:

yum search package

Find information about the package:

yum info package

List of packages containing a certain term:

yum list term

Find out which package provides a particular file:

yum whatprovides ‘path / filename’

Update all installed packages with kernel package:

yum -y update

Update a specific package:

yum -y update <package-name>

I hope this tutorial has been useful for you.

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