As we well know, there are endless Linux distributions that we can find on the web but … there are those who are looking for something that gives us more security, privacy, anonymity, etc. Well, there are some distros like that in fact, but today we will focus on a distro called Heads which is based on Devuan (Devuan which is having a Debian distribution but without systemd).

Why Heads is preferred by many people

For its part, the philosophy of the Heads developers, it is easy not to use systemd, for the following reason:

▸Systemd is a great piece of software that, while free software, has not been audited for security since its inception and a lot of people don’t like this.

▸Being as big as it is, it is difficult to do it and as time goes on it becomes more and more difficult to audit systemd which is why many people wish not to use this system.

▸Another important thing is that heads only uses free software, while his opponent Tails continues to use non-free software. Non-free software cannot be audited and as such cannot guarantee your security or anonymity.

From the application packages that Heads offers us, we find the PCManFM file manager, the Htop process monitor, Electrum Bitcoin Wallet. As well as several tools oriented to online communications, in the navigation we find the Tor browser which comes with the NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere extensions, Thunderbird email client is included along with the Psi + XMPP client and the client HexChat IRC, and many other applications within which Heads brings.

See also:
Septor Linux – A privacy focused distro
Parrot OS, A distro focused on security

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